Since they aren't perfect I decided to go back to Target today to see if there was anything else that would work better.
I found something better alright. My pillows on clearance. At lease $5 off the price I paid.
I know at GAP that if you buy something and it then goes on sale within like 5-7 days then you can take in your receipt and get the credit back. I asked if they would offer me the same service.
Of course not.
But I was told that if I returned the original pillows that I would get full price back and then should just purchase the pillows on clearance.
I had a better idea. I had my original receipt in my purse so I thought I'd purchase the pillows on clearance and then go directly to the service counter and use the clearance pillows with the original receipt to return them.
It didn't work.
So, now I have two sets of pillows and will have to trek back to Target tomorrow to return the original set. Since they are light in color I haven't let the kids touch them so they ARE unused. BUT, I did Scotch Guard them already! Shhhhh. We'll just look at it like I'm doing a service for the next customer! Right?